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Tsinghua High School held a memorial for Teacher Wu Chenglu

Release time: 2015-05-23 Author: Chen Yuyan Hits:

Tsinghua High School held a memorial for Teacher Wu Chenglu

On the morning of May 23, the centennial celebration of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University -- the Symposium to remember Teacher Wu Chenglu was held in the conference room G101 on the first floor of the administration Building。A total of 68 people attended the event, including Vice President Xie Juzhao, alumni Wang Wudi and Yan Mengxing, family representatives Wu Yi, Wu Xian and Zhai Gang, and alumni representatives Wang Rujun, Liu Yongsen, Wang Bingli, Jia Yifan, Hu Jie and Guo Qiang。Sun Dapeng, director of the Centennial Celebration Office, and Wang Yingmin, deputy director, presided over the symposium。

Before the beginning of the meeting, there was a lively scene of mutual identification on the campus, and many old students who had not met for many years were reunited at this moment, and the excitement was overwhelming。When we were young and young respectively, the sun and moon shuttled, the stars changed, and now meet with white hair at the temples。Everyone asked each other about the latest situation and followed the progress of the school's centennial celebration。Alumni spoke to the camera to express their wishes for the centennial anniversary of their Alma mater。

The alumni are together again

At 9:00 am, the symposium started on time, and the alumni jointly observed a minute of silence to deeply mourn the passing of teacher Wu Chenglu。

All mourn for the memory of teacher Wu Chenglu

After mourning,Vice President Xie Juzhao delivered a speech on behalf of the school,First of all, he extended a warm welcome to all the alumni who returned to the university to participate in the centennial celebration!He said,Teacher Wu Chenglu is an important figure in the history of art education in the High School attached to Tsinghua University,Is something to be remembered forever,His long career in art education,Nurtured a batch of love painting,A high school student who loves art,It has created the brilliance of art education in Tsinghua Affiliated High School。Today, the old schoolmates gather together to remember their teacher, which is an unforgettable feeling between teachers and students。In October this year, the Affiliated High School will usher in its centennial birthday, the centennial celebration is the most important is to serve the alumni, the celebration is the alumni's own festival, the centennial celebration office hopes to hold a variety of commemorative activities, the alumni gathered together, for the Alma mater's centennial birthday。

Vice President Xie Juzhao delivered a welcome speech

Afterwards, the alumni watched the materials about Teacher Wu Chenglu carefully prepared by the staff of the Centennial Celebration Office and the Alumni Association, and remembered Teacher Wu together。After seeing Wu Chenglu's photos and paintings, the old schoolmates were filled with emotion and recalled the stories about Wu Chenglu。

The alumni Association prepared information about Mr. Wu Chenglu's life

Yale Drama School Professor Wang Rujun, an alumnus of the class of 68, spoke first。He said that today's symposium evoked many memories of him, and Mr. Wu's character, style, and love for painting had deeply influenced him, allowing him to embark on the road of fine art development。All the achievements of their own today are inseparable from Teacher Wu's tireless teaching。The teacher's love for the students is unconditional, is a real love, every time I return to Tsinghua High School, I feel very deep, although Mr. Wu has passed away, but this kind of miss is deeper and deeper。

Early 68 alumni Wang Rujun speech

Early 55 alumni Liu Yongsen then spoke, he recalled the scene of teacher Wu Chenglu's painting exhibition, he said that the Central Art Museum at that time collected two of Teacher Wu's calligraphy and painting, but also proved that Teacher Wu's superb level of painting。Wu Chenglu teacher has been like his father, has been influencing himself for many years。

Junior 55 alumni Liu Yongsen spoke

Wu's daughter, Wu Yi, is a 64-grade alumnus of Tsinghua High School,Thank you to the alumni who came to participate in the symposium!She said,I appreciate the school for holding such a memorial for my father,centenary,The school has not forgotten the old dead teachers,To honor them in a different way,Let the old school friends are very moved。She showed two calligraphy works of Wu Chenglu teacher, one is the elegique that Wu Chenglu teacher wrote to himself when he was 85 years old: "Struggle all my life, look up to heaven, respond to requests, before others;Strive to be strong and unashamed。Answer all questions and seek no fame or fortune。This is a true portrayal of his life's work and work for people。The other is 20 years ago, alumni Wang Bingli on behalf of the alumni to teacher Wu created a poem: "Happy life, cultivate a lifelong reputation.。Writing the true philosophy, painting the magnificence of China。No claim to fame, open and generous polite。Painstaking gardener, generations of praise。This can be said to be the majority of alumni's high evaluation of teacher Wu Chenglu。

Wu Yi, the daughter of teacher Wu Chenglu and a senior 64 alumnus, spoke

Subsequently, Wang Bingli, an early 53 alumnus, created a Tibetan poem "Miss" on the spot, expressing the excitement of today's meeting。"Wu's ancestors were great and carried the culture of Shenzhou。The dew drops are shining with sunshine, illuminating China。Clear life, fruitful breeding flowers。Elegant and pure, high moral people hope open-minded。Still remain the world Fang, praise the picture scroll everyone。The poem won enthusiastic applause from the alumni present。

Early 53 alumni representative Wang Bingli on-site creation

Jia Tianzhen, Wang Jihua and Guo Xiaoquan, the alumni representatives of the early 622 class, donated the calligraphy works of "Century-old Tree Man" to their Alma mater,Jia Tianzhen said,For a hundred years,The High School attached to Tsinghua has trained many elite students,There are many teachers who teach and educate people like Wu Chenglu,Affected the students of Affiliated high school,Today I borrow Mr. Wu Chenglu's memorial service,They donated their calligraphy works to their Alma mater,Wish the school a hundred year birthday,Create new glory。

The alumni of the early 622 class donated the calligraphy works of "Century-old Tree Man"

Senior 62 alumni Tang Jiyu and her husband Fan Kang came to the forum with their daughter,Alumnus Fan Kang told three stories about himself and teacher Wu Chenglu,And added his daughter and Wu Chenglu teacher learning painting experience,They say,His own daughter is a deaf mute,I studied painting with Mr. Wu,Mr. Wu was already suffering from his second stroke,But when I saw my daughter,Teacher Wu still boundlessly agreed,He's always been there for you。His patient tutoring, so that his daughter fell in love with art, and eventually embarked on the path of art work, is now an art editor。They then dedicated her paintings to the school。They said that Wu Chenglu teacher's kind, dedicated, tolerant spirit, let the whole family remember the heart。Fan Kang alumni said with deep feeling: "Tsinghua High School has nurtured two generations of our family, no matter what the school has any needs, our whole family is duty-bound。The story of their whole family moved all the alumni to the venue。

Senior 62 alumni Tang Jiyu and his daughter donated paintings

Jia Yifan, an alumnus of Class 623 at the beginning of the year, recalled the scene when Wu Chenglu guided him to paint, and showed the painting homework he had collected in class for nearly 50 years, and donated them to his Alma mater with his book "Hutong Impression"。

Jia Yifan, an alumnus of Class 623, donated to his Alma mater

Zhou Guangye, an alumnus of Grade 50, spoke on behalf of his classmates and expressed his deep nostalgia for teacher Wu Chenglu。He said that the memory of Teacher Wu a plain appearance, with a kind smile, he is always responsive to the students, meticulous。Today, to attend his memorial, we are very moved, and hope that the young teachers of the High School can follow Mr. Wu's example and go on the road of teaching and educating people。

Early 50 alumni Zhou Guangye spoke

Hu Jie, an alumnus of Class 748 High School and the chief designer of Olympic Forest Park, shared his collection of old photos and his own paintings to remember Teacher Wu Chenglu。他说,I studied in Tsinghua High School for several years,It is the enlightenment stage of life for me,Except for parents,The biggest influence on his life is the teacher Wu Chenglu,Thanks to the efforts of the Art Group of Tsinghua High School and teacher Wu Chenglu,A large number of students have made great achievements in the fine arts industry,So to speak,Tsinghua High School attached teacher Wu Chenglu,The contribution to the Chinese art industry is very great。

Hu Jie, an alumnus of Class 748, shares old photos with you

There are many alumni also actively spoke up to remember the teacher together。此外,初71级校友毛振明、冯大鸣、初75级王璐由于各种原因没有到场参会,他们特地提前来到学校,录制了一段视频,表达了自己对吴承露老师、对附中的深厚感情。北师大体育学院院长毛振明,深情回忆了吴承露老师的点滴过往,他说,记忆中的吴老师就是“学为人师,行为世范”,吴老师教给自己的一切都让自己终身难忘。


Some alumni representatives spoke

After listening to the enthusiastic speeches of the alumni, the host, Mr. Wang Yingmin, recruited volunteers from the alumni present. At the same time, he concluded: Today, Mr. Wu's symposium reminds me of two words, one is "gratitude" and the other is "inheritance".。One hundred years of Affiliated high School, we want to commemorate those silent dedication of the old teachers, to drink water and think about the source, today's activities have such a great appeal, it can also be seen that these old teachers have a huge impact on the affiliated high school。Therefore, to commemorate these old teachers is not only to inherit their knowledge, but also to inherit their people。Teacher Wu Chenglu's life for the High school, for the students, this is a huge spiritual wealth of Tsinghua High School。

Moderator Wang Yingmin summed up the speech

After the meeting, all the participants came to the front of the C building for a group photo. They left each other the latest communication information, said goodbye to each other reluctantly, and expressed their willingness to contact more students around them to return to school, actively organize and participate in the centennial activities held by the school, and get together again in the golden Autumn October centennial day!

Group photo

This symposium,It has been strongly supported by Bai Xuefeng, director of the Student Development Center, and the Student Public Welfare Club,High 1311 Li Ding,High 1410 ZHOU Xiaoyu, Xie Yanbo,Lu Ran from High School 1411 participated in this activity as a student volunteer,They all said,This homecoming celebration,Let them know the alumni's boxing feelings towards their Alma mater and teacher,Benefit a lot。

The Centennial Celebration Office and Alumni Association of Tsinghua High School will hold a series of commemorative activities such as "Remembering the Teacher" to mobilize the majority of alumni to pay attention to and actively participate in the centennial celebration activities of their Alma mater。Miss teachers, summarize the experience of Tsinghua High School, and lay the foundation for the training of leaders in the new century。

Attachment 1: Circles and Lines in Life by Wang Yingmin


Teach us to put a circle


The flowers, the stars


Teach us to put a line


Lakes, clouds


Teach us to put a variety of colors

Smear into

Layers of waves, strands of sunshine


This ordinary circle and line

Has become a guide to our lives

The circle is the stick, the line is the road sign


This simple circle and line

Has become a colorful flower

Decorate our beautiful and colorful life


It's the circle and the line that connects us all our lives

Has become a warm candle light

Shine in the grateful heart

Twinkling in the tears of missing

Attachment 2: Introduction of Teacher Wu Chenglu

Wu Chenglu (1918-2004) graduated from the National Beiping Art College in 1936。From 1949 to 1959, he taught at Tsinghua Chengzhi School. In 1960, he participated in the founding of the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University and taught until his retirement in 1982。In 1977, he was honored as a model teacher in Beijing。On April 15, 1994, Wu Chenglu's Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition was held in National Art Museum of China.。He is the first middle school teacher to hold a personal exhibition in the National Art Museum of China。Hu Zhaogang, vice mayor of Beijing, inscribed the title for the painting exhibition。

Mr. Wu had been kindly instructed by Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Huang Binhong and Li Kuchan, and had the opportunity to spend three years with Zhang Daqian in the Summer Palace, and benefited a lot。Zhang Daqian called Wu "good at both Chinese and Western"。In 1952, Mr. Wu declined the employment of famous schools such as Tsinghua University and Tianjin University, and he was persistent in teaching middle school, and he has been training generations of students for decades。His noble ethics and exquisite skills have won praise from students and parents。

Audit: Xie Juzhao, Wang Yingmin

Sun Dapeng

Photography is by Li Ding

Editor: Sun Donglin, Archives Room

时间:2015-05-23 16:24

Source: Centennial Celebration Office

Author: Chen Yuyan

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